October 17, 2024

Meet the team: Mattia Leone

Mattia Leone is Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico ll and the leader of the Work Package 1-Project framework, climate scenarios and modelling inputs at ICARIA. Find out more about his role in the project:

  • What is ICARIA for you? I am an architect and urban designer by training, and for me, ICARIA is a great opportunity to address differently the central issue of climate adaptation at the local level by expanding the conventional single-hazard approach that hinders the development of comprehensive resilience strategies. By looking at regional and urban contexts from a multi-hazard perspective and understanding how different exposed assets and services (including buildings and infrastructure but also communities and natural areas) respond to complex scenarios including compound events and cascading effects, decision makers, emergency managers and planners can improve the way to address climate-resilient development pathways from both planning/design and emergency management perspectives.
  • ICARIA in three words: ICARIA is the gateway to operationalise consolidated single-hazard impact assessment methods and decision support tools in a multi-hazard perspective.
  • What is your role in ICARIA? Within ICARIA, I am leading WP1 “Project framework, climate scenarios and modelling inputs”, which is intended to provide a harmonised modelling framework to assess the impact on different exposed assets resulting from complex scenarios including compound events and cascading effects. The framework includes up-to-date downscaled climate projections, relevant datasets and data sources, and methods to fill data gaps and uncertainties in quantitative modelling. The expectation is that the application of the framework across ICARIA case studies demonstrates its effectiveness in supporting support decision-making about cost-effective resilience strategies to be prioritised in the local context regarding targeted multi-hazard scenarios. Specific activities are planned with follower regions and cities to further demonstrate the transferability of the methodology in the EU and beyond.


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